Nancy Jenkins

A Little About Nancy

Nancy believes everything that happens to us in life affects our minds AND our bodies.
This is why “talk” therapy is sometimes not enough — some forms of trauma can literally
become “stuck” in our bodies! While talk therapy is important to help clients process
emotions and experiences, other modalities can help release trauma stored in the body.

In addition, Nancy views life as a spiral rather than a Western-centric horizontal line. In
our Western view, we tend to look at life as beginning with birth and ending with death.
In between, there are life markers we are expected to hit in order to have a “successful”
life. These markers may include: going to college/getting training, getting married,
having children, buying a house, buying lots of stuff for the house, having great
vacations, launching children into adulthood and enjoying grandchildren, retirement
with loads of travel and fun, and then death. If you don’t hit these given markers, it’s easy
to start feeling like a failure, right? In contrast, viewing life as a never-ending spiral puts
the focus on, “What am I supposed to be learning right now?” Life is unpredictable and
can throw up roadblocks when least expected. Therapy offers a resource and tools to
help you navigate life on the spiral.

Nancy has chosen counseling as her Third Act following a 35-year career in publishing,
public relations, and marketing communications. She believes her experiences provide
a unique understanding of the life challenges her clients may face, including
divorce, military life, brain injury, addiction, and caring for elderly parents. She has a
person-centered approach and views her role as one of facilitator in helping clients
overcome any personal challenges. “I believe most people know what they need to be
happy, but life’s demands can get in the way,” she said. “I act as a guide to help clients
live their best lives.”

She sees clients in two locations of The Wellness Counseling Center, LLC: Greenwood
and Overland Park. She offers in-person and telehealth sessions for individuals and
couples.  Nancy graduated with a master’s degree in counseling from the University of
Missouri-Kansas City in May 2022. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the

University of Missouri-Columbia (1982) and a master’s degree in integrated marketing
communications from the University of Kansas (2003). She is a certified breathwork

Nancy is married to husband Truett and stepmom to three grown daughters. She has 19
years in recovery and is a volunteer for Green Works Kansas City. She enjoys walking the
family’s German Shepherd Dog, spending time with family and friends, being near large
bodies of water, gardening, movies, traveling, camping, and reading.

Ready to schedule your first appointment?

Please call our message line at 816.974.7378 to schedule time with one of our counselors or simply click the button below!

We look forward to seeing you soon!